

SHRINK YOUR WAIST SIZE…. Research by University of Tennessee has discovered that taking high-calcium foods like broccoli and spinach may help you reduce weight until 70% and lose 64% belly fat.

LOWER YOUR DAILY SUGAR INTAKE…. Taking 100grams or 8 tablespoons a day of sugar can reduce the ability of white blood cells to kill germs by 40%.

NOT TOO LONG….   Tea is a really healthy beverage because it contains high anti-oxidant. However, don’t let your tea exposed for too long, because it can cause kidney stones. Try to finish it straight away.

THANK YOU INTERNET…. One of the most effective ways for you to lose weight is to surf to the internet about health and diet information. According to researchers from Kaiser Permanente’s Center, Portland they found themselves able to lose weight around 4.5kg by only surveying sites on how to lose weight for once a month.

EAT CHILLIES…. Well eating chilies have been shown by several studies to raise your metabolism by as much as 20%. So maybe chilies are the new super food that can help you lose weight. But be careful, don’t take it too much. As it can probably damage your stomach!

** Wouldn’t it be great if there was a way to raise your metabolism without all the hard work in the gym?  I hate exercise and never like it. But somehow, I have to. L

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