

Salam n Hello to all bloggers..  FIRST thing that I wanted to say is I’m not good in English at all..  Too bad..   Because for the past 10 years, I was very2  good in English and I just can’t believe it that my English was way better than Bahasa ..I got 100% for couple of times.. But now??  What happen??  So, I hope any grammatical mistakes that I made here, u can always correct me.. Serious, I’ll sincerely accept it with open arms.. 

Want to know why I’m posting this post? It is because I want to share with u guys about my bad experience with  English.. Recently, Papa brought me and Mama to this 1 place located at Mont Kiara.. As u can see, Mont Kiara is a place that too much of foreigner hanging around and having fun.. –clubbing, taking some cocktails,partying… etc… I even wondering, is this Malaysia? U can only count with fingers how many Malay ( muslim ) here in MK..

So as usual, getting to know  Papa’s new friends, wasn’t my first time..  I’ve met hundred or maybe thousand of his friends.. Hehehe.. But this 1 guy, OMG.. I hate him.. Yes, he's a very friendly an talkative person.. And with that, i was so annoyed... Too loud of talking, and I can only hear his voice throughout many people in the cafe.. Well for me, it looks like he did it on purpose.. Just wanted to be the centre of attraction maybe... He's an Indian, but not from Malaysia..

I was so bored at that time.. I don't even drink no smoking.. Lucky i brought my novel for me to read than sitting there doing nothing... So, here come the best part.. This annoying guy always keep asking me questions.. about myself, studies, and all stuff.. What can i expect from people in MK??? They're all English speaking.. And i admit that my speaking in English was so bad.. too sad it is getting worst...Asking me in English, and I'll stuck myself for several minutes just to find what words that i have to spit out..

Well, i can't imagine what my face looks like.. He manage to make me look like a total idiot.. U win this time.. It wasn't the question that cause the problem, but the way he looked at me and keep insinuate me.. I felt so embarassed.. It just because i'm not that good in English, people will think that i am not a smart person.. Yes, I am not a smart person and i realize that since primary school.. But as i know myself, i am not really THAT stupid...

Maybe i've put our language at the highest in authority.. until i neglected English.. And now, i realize that English is a very important language to learn and to use it.. Sometimes i felt ashamed of myself about this matter.. but at the same time, i felt so grateful because my family 
( Mama n Halim ) and my lover, never look down towards me..They always give me a moral support.. I appreciate it so much.. Maybe someday i want to hire English teacher or even i go to English class... I want to improve my English and self confidence... And i really2 hope that i can speak English fluently n perfectly... No one can make me look like an idiot anymore... And yes, it is for myself too..

Thanks a lot for reading my post and remember.. PLEASEEE do correct my English.. I know there will be so many mistakes that i made here... Till then.. Salam... ;)


  1. 1st para -not bad..
    2nd para -'me and mama' should be 'mama and me'. Then,'too much of foreigner' mcm xsedap je bunyinye..'taking some cocktails' tu mcm taking drugs je.. mybe lbh sedap kalau 'having some cocktails'..
    3rd papa - 'wasn't my first time' tu lbh elok kalau gune 'wasn't my first experience'. then 'Too loud of talking' lbh elok kalau 'talking too loud'. pas2 'to be the centre of attraction maybe' tu pttnye 'to be in the center of attraction/attention'.
    4th para - 'even drink no smoking' pttnye 'even drink or smoking' or blh gak 'neither drink nor smoking'. pas2 'that my speaking in English' tu slh.pttnye just 'that my English'.
    5th para -'imagine what my face looks like' tu better 'imagine how my face will look like'

    overall comment : use "i am" instead of just "i'm" sb dalam karangan,bnde tu dikira salah.
    anyway, it was a good try.. nice story..;) and ur english wasn't that bad honey.. :)
